- GLASS: "Group Learning At Significant Scale via WiFi-Enabled Learner Design Teams in an ECE Flipped Classroom"
- ELCOT: "Development of the Engineering Learning Classroom Observation Tool"
- HOWARD: "Creating Instructor Dashboards to Foster Collaborative Learning in On-Line Medical Problem-Based Learning Situation"
- FEAL: "Fine-Grained Evaluation of Active Learning in Collaborative Learning Spaces"
- CATME: "Assessing Teamwork Skills for Assurance of Learning Using CATME Team Tools"
- InteDashboard: "Training the next generation in aviation with technology enabled team-based learning"
- Etherpad: "Using Etherpads as Platforms for Collaborative Learning in a Distance Education LIS Course"
Some recent works related to this track include:
- Auto-PLC: Automated Formation of Peer-learning Cohorts Using Computer-based Assessment Data: A Double-blind Study within a Software Engineering Course
- OptAssign: A web-based tool for assigning students to groups
- GroupFormation.org: Creating Effective Student Groups: An Introduction to groupformation.org
- Group Technology / PopCorm: Dynamic Group Formation as an Approach to Collaborative Learning
- Clustering and Sequential Pattern Mining of Online Collaborative Learning Data
- "Towards organizing smart collaboration and enhancing teamwork performance: a GA-supported system oriented to mobile learning through cloud-based online course"
Some recent works related to this track include:
- "Advancing the Science of Collaborative Problem Solving"
- "Increasing student engagement and learning outcomes with technology enhanced team-based learning"
- "Off to On: Best Practices for Online Team-Based Learning"
- "What can training researchers gain from examination of methods for active-learning (PBL, TBL, and SBL)"
- "Team-based learning in an online environment"
- "Team shared mental model as a contributing factor to team performance and students' course satisfaction in blended courses"
- "Cooperative Learning Principles Enhance Online interaction
- "Establishing team knowledge coordination from a learning perspective"
Some recent works related to this track include:
- "Perceptions and Experiences of, and Outcomes for, University Students in Culturally Diversified Dyads in a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environment"
- "Effects of gender grouping on students’ group performance, individual achievements and attitudes in computer-supported collaborative learning"
- "Student Preferences With Regards to the Use of Internet Content: Gender Differences"
- "Small Group Processes on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning"
- "Exploring the relevance of singleāgender group formation: What we learn from a massive open online course (MOOC)"